Palate - hard and soft tissue forming the roof of the mouth
Panoramic X-ray - A form of X-ray that displays a two-dimensional depiction of all of the teeth in the mouth. The relationship of the teeth to the jaws and the jaws to the head can also be seen on this X-ray.
Partial Denture - A detachable appliance (prosthesis) that replaces missing teeth in the upper or lower jaw. For individuals who are missing multiple teeth in a row, Urgent Dental Care in Edina, MN creates and fits partial dentures
Pediatric dentistry - A branch of dentistry that focuses on treating children's teeth.
Pedodontics - A dental specialty that focuses on children's dentistry.
Pedodontist - A dentist who specializes in treating children.
Periapical - The area at the end of a tooth root.
Periodontal Chart - Is used to measure the depth of gum pockets around the teeth.
Periodontal disease - The inflammation or disease of the gums.
Periodontal surgery - The reshaping or cosmetic treatment of diseased gums and supporting tissue.
Periodontics - The study of the gums, bones, and tissue supporting the teeth. Healthy gums and bones serve as the cornerstone of a beautiful smile. Urgent Dental Care in Edina, MN employs expert periodontists to assist patients with gum disease and other gum and bone problems. Make an appointment with us today and meet some of the most competent periodontists in Edina, Minnesota.
Periodontist - A dentist who focuses on gum disease therapy.
Periodontitis - commonly called “gum disease” is a chronic inflammatory condition characterized by the breakdown of the supporting bone and tissue membrane surrounding the teeth' roots. Periodontitis is a more severe form of gum disease that necessitates treatment to avoid tooth and bone loss. With some of the most skilled periodontists in the Edina, Minnesota area, Urgent Dental Care in Edina, MN is your reliable clinic if you have periodontitis.
Permanent Teeth - In a complete dentition, permanent teeth are the thirty-two adult teeth.
Pits - Microscopic flaws, indentions, or fissures in tooth enamel generated by natural wear rather than decay. While not a cavity (pits aren't caused by tooth decay), they're worth keeping an eye on because they're a popular spot for cavities to occur. One of the key functions of preventative dental care is to keep an eye on the natural locations in your mouth where cavities might form. Allow our skilled dentists and hygienists to monitor dental health for a bright and long-lasting smile by scheduling a dental cleaning and exam with Urgent Dental Care in Edina, MN.
Plaque - A thick layer that accumulates on the surface of teeth and houses bacteria and acids beneath its surface, causing tooth disease. Periodontal disease is caused by plaque buildup irritating the gums. Tartar, often known as plaque, is the enemy of healthy teeth and a long-lasting, attractive smile. Plaque can be kept at bay with a daily brushing and flossing routine. A semi-annual visit to our Clinic in Edina for professional cleaning, fluoride treatment, and a full exam is also extremely important. To book your cleaning and examination, call Urgent Dental Care in Edina, MN today.
Porcelain crown - Crown that covers the part of the tooth above the gum line. This protects the teeth that have been damaged or chipped due to decay. Urgent Dental Care in Edina, MN dentists are dental crown experts. A visit with one of our dentists can help you decide whether a dental crown is right for you. Make an appointment to see one of our skilled dentists about a dental crown today.
Porcelain Inlay or Onlay - This is a tooth-colored porcelain restoration that is fused or bonded in place and extends to protect the tooth's cusps. The Urgent Dental Care dentists can help you decide if an onlay is the best option for your damaged tooth. Schedule an appointment with one of our skilled dentists or speak with one during your next visit.
Porcelain Veneer - Are a thin veneer of porcelain that is bonded to a natural tooth to restore missing tooth structure, repair gaps, straighten teeth, or modify color and/or shape. Porcelain veneers can be utilized for a variety of cosmetic and restorative purposes, including giving you the bright, long-lasting smile you've always desired.
Preventive Services - Exams, cleanings, x-rays, and fluoride are some of the dental operations focused on the prevention of dental disorders by protective and instructional methods. Preventive services are the foundation of a healthy and beautiful smile, and booking an appointment for preventive services has never been easier thanks to The Urgent Dental Care. Make an appointment for a thorough cleaning and full dental exam with us here in Edina, Minnesota.
Prophy - Jet Air polishing teeth to remove stains.
Prophylaxis - A professional cleaning that helps to avoid dental disease by removing plaque, calculus (mineralized plaque), and discoloration. Make an appointment with Urgent Dental Care’s friendly hygienists for a dental cleaning or prophylaxis today. Dental cleanings, which should be done on a regular basis, should be comprehensive and performed by an expert.
Prosthodontics - Crowns, bridges, dentures, and dental implants are popular operations in prosthodontics, which involve restoring natural teeth and replacing missing or lost teeth. The Urgent Dental Care in Edina, MN. provides a comprehensive range of restorative dental services to help you get your smile back to its best. Our dentists are experienced in these procedures and are ready to give you the smile you've always wanted.
Prosthodontists - Dentists with areas of expertise on crowns, bridges, dentures, dental implants, TMD-jaw joint issues, and oral cancer repair.
Provider - The dentist or a specialist who provides the service.
Pulp - The inside of a tooth's pulp contains blood vessels and nerve tissue.
Pulp chamber - An aperture in the center of a tooth's crown that houses the pulp (nerve tissue) and extends to the root tip.
Pulpectomy (full pulp removal) - A procedure that is routinely used on children's teeth.